Pengaruh Variasi Ignition Timing Terhadap Performance Motor 4 Langkah 1 Silinder Dengan Bahan Bakar Pertalite Dan Hidrogen-Pertalite

Warso Warso, Trio Nur Wibowo


The progress of science and technology has a significant influence on the life process in the modern era like now. Increased science and technology (Science and Technology), increasing human needs for vehicles for transportation. The otto engine is a type of internal combustion engine that uses gasoline as fuel. As one of the simple motorized vehicles that are widely used by the public today is a motorcycle. To improve or optimize motorcycle performance, this research will vary the ignition system using dual band CDI and also use two types of fuel namely pertalite and hydrogen-pertalite, which aims to find out how much influence the use of dual band CDI on motorcycles. Which in this study uses a 113 cc Mio sporty motorcycle. Research conducted using the experimental method by conducting trials with several different treatments with data collection through dynotest test equipment. From the test results obtained data from each treatment that shows that there are differences in torque and power produced by three variations of ignition time and two types of fuel. The maximum torque produced is 9.78 N.m on the use of active dual band CDI with Hydrogen-Pertalite fuel. And the maximum power generated is 6.8 Hp on the use of active dual band CDI with Hydrogen-Pertalite fuel. The conclusion of this research is that there is a change in engine performance increase, namely power and torque with the use of dual band CDI and also the use of Hydrogen-Pertalite fuel, but not too significant.Keywords: Fuel, Ignition Time, Torque, and Power.

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