Investigasi Empiris Pengembangan Desain Pembelajaran Pada SMK Program Keahlian Teknik Konstruksi dan Properti Berbasis Kompetensi

Karsukmia Nandja


The educational process was learning with a design plan from educators so that in its implementation it can deliver students to achieve the specified learning goals. Learning design interpreted as a process of designing learning objectives, learning materials, learning experiences, learning resources, and evaluation of learning based on student characteristics, so students have the will and ability to learn. The aim of the empirical study and investigation was to find a learning design model that fits the competency of SMK based on the 2016 spectrum. The study method begins by discussing the thoughts of experts in designing learning models, such as the Assure, Addie, Hanafin and Peck, Dick and Carey, and Kemp models. The learning design model of experts is taken as a red thread and imitation to get closer to the 2016 SMK supervisor and competency-based learning design.  The conclusions of the study and investigation showed that the learning design model based on achieving competence is very much in accordance with the 2013 curriculum implemented to overcome various problems in the world of education. Competency-based learning design was the process of designing learning objectives, subject matter, learning experiences, learning resources, and evaluation of learning based on student characteristics so that students have the knowledge, attitudes, and skills as their life provisions in accordance with the opinions of educational experts. The use or application of learning design models based on the achievement of competencies by teachers is very supportive of implementing the 2013 curriculum.Keywords : Education process, Learning design, Competence.

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