Penerapan Algoritma Fuzzy Untuk Optimasi Kontroler PID Pada Sistem Kontrol AVR Generator 3 Fasa 480VA Berbasis Mikrokontroler ATMega16

Tri Dedi Pamungkas, Utis Sutisna, Yulis Rijal Fauzan


Generator voltage stabilization at power plant system is very important. There fore, keeps the voltage of  it’s generator should be needed at the power plant. Generator voltage stabilization was kept by AVR (Automatic Voltage Regulator) devise. AVR units using PID (Proportional Integral Derivative) controller for the operation. PID controller, needs some settings on that parameters (Kp, Ki, Kd) to get good response’s controller. In this research, fuzzy algorithm is used to set up the PID parameter’s for the optimalization result. Kind of fuzzy that used was sugeno’s methot of orde-0 with 15 rules base. Over all, fuzzy algorithm set up for tuning PID parameter’s is build up to make it’s better performance compared to the ordinary PID controller. The average of PID-fuzzy performance optimalization is about 14,96% in starting mode and 11,03% average in loading mode. That is because the fuzzy algorithm continously counting PID parameters value, when the system starting as well as it’s loading.Keywords: AVR, Fuzzy, PID.

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