Pengaruh Penggunaan Magnet Selenoida Pada Sistem Bahan Bakar Motor Otto 4 Langkah Pada Engine Stasioner Terhadap Unjuk Kerja Motor

Warso ., Sutarno ., Imam Subekti


Reduced material supply requires optimizing the combustion process to produce the best engune performance with effective fuel (more economical). The use of selenoids in artificial magnetic fields is one of the right solutions. This test aims to determine the best number of turns on engine performance. This objective uses an experimental study method using an artificial magnetic field selenoids with   1,500 turns (20,28 mT), 3,000 turns (22,90 mT), and 4,500 turns (23,40 mT). The results showed that in standard conditions the torque was 13.66 Nm, Power  21.44 kW, Sfc 0.718 kg/kWh. The use of 1,500 celluloid magnetic field (20.28 mT), produces the best motor performance, torque of 13.85Nm, Power of 21.75 kW, Sfc 0.717 kg/kWh, selenoida magnetic field of 3,000 turns (22.90 mT), produces a torque of 14.23 Nm , Power 22.33 kW, Sfc 0.701 kg/kWh, and a selenoid magnetic field of 4,500 winding (23.40 mT), producing a torque of 14.33 Nm, Power of 22.50 kW, Sfc of 0.691 kg/kWh. The best number of winding of the selenoid magnetic field is 4,500 windings (23.40 mT) which results in an increase in torque of 4.71%, Power of 4.71%, and Sfc of -3.84%.Keywords: Magnetic Field, Motor Performance, Amount turns

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