Nugrah Rekto Prabowo


The premium gasoline is a main fuel for transportation sector, especially for land transportation that use private and public transportation. In order to reduce the amount of gasoline import that increases year by year, the Government launched bio-ethanol – premium gasoline mix program, a mixture of certain amount of 95% purification bioethanol into premium gasoline. In the 1983, performance testing ofbioethanol vehicles conducted, in 100 cars and 32 motor cycles. The testing result proved that the performance of the car engine was not decreased significantly, but some of the gasoline tank and packing were leaked. Recently, the fuel based ethanol (99.5% purification minimal) are used in the car and other land transportation vehicles. It is also proved that the gasoline – bioethanol mixed will released smaller emission compare with gasoline only, except aldehydes. Considering to the economic evaluation, it is clear that the price of bioethanol (include tax, delivery cost, and benefit) today almost the same level with premium gasoline.

Teks Lengkap:



BPPT. Kajian Lengkap Prospek Pemanfaatan Biodiesel Dan Bioethanol Pada Sektor Transportasi Di Indonesia. 2005.

Balai Besar Teknologi Pati-BPPT. Kelayakan Tekno Ekonomi Bio-Ethanol Sebagai Bahan Bakar Alternatif Terbarukan. 27 Januari 2005.

Trada Group. Perkembangan Pemanfaatan Bio-Ethanol sebagai Bahan Bakar Otomotif di Beberapa Negara. Presentasi dalam Seminar Sehari Mendukung Keberlanjutan Bahan Bakar Otomotif di Masa Depan dengan Gasohol. Launching Penggunaan Gasohol BE-10 untuk Bahan Bakar Otomotif dan Penggunaan Energi Alternatif Lainnya. Kamis, 27 Januari 2005.

Prawoto dan Bagus Anang Nugroho. Perbandingan Unjuk Kerja kendaraan Bermotor Dengan Bahan Bakar Gasohol (E10), Premium dan Pertamax. 2005 La Ode M. Abdul Wahid. Pemanfaatan Bio-Ethanol Sebagai Bahan Bakar Kendaraan Berbahan Bakar Premium.


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