Suprajono Suprajono


The application of such technology is to enhancing the performance of employee. Technology that was used should be an appropriate technology that will used to speed registration and report system, such as in hospital. One of technology information model in hospital is coordinating patient registration, medical services, follow-up services, payment system and other information. By that technology information need more complicate system of software and hardware. The obstacle of the implementation is during operation and usage the program optimally. The other problem is dependency to the programmer. The most important is lack of competency of human resources such as doctor, nurse and administration people that were operate it, maintenance and repair the program. Combination of job between medical services and computer program will increase job stress of the medical people that will impact to the medical services itself. Software was built by the programmer himself, without participation and cooperation of hospital staff as an operator that will use the software. It’s concluded that application of technology information in hospital should be regard to the user, human resources and maintenance in order to use the software continuously and sustaninable.Keywords: technology information, job stress, appropriate technology.

Teks Lengkap:



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