Hartono Hartono


In jeopardy transportation the world very tall accident. Therefore factor of safety on momentous transportation. To minimize accident jeopardy therefore at makes a transportation security tool land that according to default on duty Traffic and Highway Transportation, one of it which is regulatory lamp system traffic on cross or is called also SistemTraffic Light. System puts off the light traffic regulator be utilized to manage vehicle and hiker traffic on coplanar cross, so vehicle traffic can easy-going and will minimize accident jeopardy on that cross. With signal puts off the light that resident on each cross face and controlled by one kontroler therefore current close time of opening vehicle is managed. Time of opening accuracy closes that adjusted by vehicle current very essential. So vehicle current will easy-going and accident jeopardy on cross can be minimized. Things that needs to be understood deep Traffic Light's system which is terminology and blinker signal mean, blinker assembly judgment, vehicles current arrangement, time count to had out regular, signal that activated by vehicle, blinker coordination, traffic arrangement action, and technical specification.Keywords: phase, signal, traffic light.

Teks Lengkap:



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