Kartika Sari, Darsono Darsono


The writers had searched sounding resistivity in sub-district of Telukan, Sukoharjo Regency. The measurement had been done by Schlumberger configuration with current range of 40 meters. The sounding spots are 19 which spread out in the area of research site. The sounding measurements in Telukan are namely: Perumahan Guru Telukan (4 spots), Tanggul Barat (3 spots), Tanggul Timur (3 spots), Kutu Timur (4 spots), Utara Kantor Desa Telukan, Persawahan, Desa Pandeyan and Telukan ( 5 spots). The result of measurement based upon injected current quantity (I), measured different pontential quantity (V), electroda current range (AB/2) and potential electroda range (MN/2) are calculated. The next step is analyzing, that is calculating absurb resistivity score to every sound spot and current large electroda range. To analyze sounding spot, IPI2WIN program is used. The result is a real resistivity score, thickness and layer depth. The mapping, then, is analyzed, that is to recognize polutant spreading horisontally, namely with making a real resistivity iso contour in the depth of 5 meters, 20 meters, 40 meters and 70 meters. The sounding spots, then, is measured by making trajectory correlating some sounding points namely crossecion AA with trajectory from West to East, crossecion BB with trajectory from South to East and trajectory CC from Southern to East. The result shows horizontally, the area with resistivity score less than 5 ohm which assumed containing polutant water is detected in West to South in the depth of 5 meters – 20 meters, in the depth of 40 meters can be detected in Eastern and in the depth of 70 meters can be detected in middle and West-Western area. Vertically, the area with resistivity score less than 5 ohm which assumed containing water polutant resources can be detected from West to East (acrossion AA). It is thicker and thicker from the depth of 10 meters to 180 meters and from North to South (acrossion BB) in the depth of 45 meters to Eastern that proved narrower to the depth of 12 meters, and acrossion ivity score CC’ to more East can not be detected in the resistivity of 5 ohm meters.

Teks Lengkap:



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