Analisis Pengaruh Variasi Jenis Primary Sheave Weight CVT Dan Pemakaian Variasi Pegas Sliding Sheave Terhadap Torsi Dan Daya Pada Mesin Sepeda Motor ESP 150 cc

Warso ., D.L. Zariatin, Dahmir Dahlan


Automotive technology is growing especially motorcycles. Innovation continues to be developed never stops, to create a vehicle that is stable, comfortable, and easy to control. In the research will be made changes to the transmission system. The method used in this study is an experimental method. This method is used to determine the effect of using primary sheave weight (roller) and springs CVT on 150 cc ESP motorcycle. Testing will be done by testing with dyno test by comparing the standard sheave weight (roller) standard 15.5 grams, 16 grams and 14 grams and standard CVT springs and modifications. Based on the analysis results revealed that the largest maximum torque is in spring B with a constant value of 5555.55 N / m using 16 gram roller that is 14.70 Nm at 5250 rpm rotation and the lowest maximum torque is on the spring A with a constant value of 3582.08 N / m by using 15 gram roller that is equal to 12,57 Nm at round 5500 Rpm. based on the above test results the torque is increased by using a standard sliding sheave spring about 13.7% using a primary sheave weigt / roller 16 g and decreasing sekiatar 12.37% of the standard torque by using sliding sheave C springs using primary sheave weigt / roller 14 g. Based on the analysis results it is known that the maximum power is in the spring B with a constant value of 5555.55 N / m using a roller of 14 grams of 11.4 HP at 6000 rpm rotation and the lowest minimum power is on spring C with a constant value 5846.15 N / m using a 16 gram roller that is equal to 10.8 HP at 7000 rpm round. Based on the test results above the power increases by using a standard sliding sheave spring about 10.4% by using the primary sheave weigt / roller 14 grams and decreased sekiatar 9.9% of the power by using sliding sheave C spring by using primary sheave weigt / roller 14 grams.Keywords: primary sheave weight (roller), CVT springs, Dyno Test, power, torque

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