Kurnia Soleh Prasetyo


The process of fermentation need a certain to go as expected the optimum conditions. Quick products and with a good quality. It can be done to observe the condition of the process. This is a parameter ph po2 speed motor skipper by was up and down tools temperatures and fermentation. All this parameter to proceed to get a good enough to be crucial arrangements match-fixing conditions. It can be resolved by easy especially in the mikroelektronika who had a mikroprosesor in a fruit chip ( one-chip microcomputer broker) system technology with the progress in the fields of e-mail. Using mikrokomputer match-fixing could be automatically with a software parameterparameter who affect the fermentation process to the process. One of themikrokomputer popular is 80C31BH..Keyword : Fermentation, Controlling Design

Teks Lengkap:



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- Peter F.S, Principles of Fermentation Technology, Pergamon Press, Oxford, New York, 1984.

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- Rangan, C.S., Instrumentation, Devices, and System, 7-th Ed., Tata McGraw Hill Co. Ltd., New Delhi, 1989

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- Unden, Ake, Instrumentation for Fermentation Monitoring and Controll, AB Fermenta, Stragnas, Sweden

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